In the name of the Commons of England, I charge all this villainy upon Warren Hastings, in this last moment of my application to you. 我谨以英国下院的名义,在向你们提出请求的这个最后时刻对沃伦·哈斯丁的恶行提出指控。
Matter and antimatter are like the good and evil twins of nature; they are endowed with equal and opposite characteristics like charge and spin, so if they meet they obliterate each other, releasing a flash of energy upon contact. 物质和反物质就像自然界善良与邪恶的双胞胎;它们被赋予相同和相反的特性类似电荷及旋转,因此如果它们相遇,它们接触之后,释放出能量闪光。
Charge upon general revenue 从政府一般收入中拨款支付
The relevant people's governments and their related departments shall promptly handle such report or charge upon receipt. 有关人民政府及其有关部门接到检举、控告后,应当及时处理。
Religious establishments not engaged in education or works of charity were broken up, and the salaries of the clergy made a charge upon the nation. 没有从事教育或慈善行为的宗教机构被解散,僧侣的工资由国家发放。
Being in charge of the liquidation matters upon termination and expiration of the joint venture company;-other major issues which shall be decided by the Board of directors. 负责合营公司终止和期满时的清算工作;其他应由董事会决定的重大事宜。
If a molecule of net charge q is placed in an electric field, a force F is exerted upon it. 若将带静电荷q的分子放入电场,则有一个力F作用于其上。
In the guarantee period, repairs, adjustments for defects due to workmanship and replacement of parts will be done free of charge upon presentation of this qualification card. 在保证期间,如零件损坏或因制作技术的原因发生故障,可凭此证来厂免费修理或调换零件。
And they lodged round about the house of God, because the charge was upon them, and the opening thereof every morning pertained to them. 他们住在神殿的四围,是因委托他们守殿,要每日早晨开门。
The young man was innocent, but somehow the police fastened the charge of petty theft upon him. 那年轻人是无辜的,可不知怎地警察认定他犯了小偷小摸罪。
Despite the fact that teachers take charge of such an honored mission of enlightening humans, they are usually looked down upon and receive small salaries. 尽管教师承担了启蒙人类的光荣使命,但是他们却经常被人看低,而且工资也非常少。
A charge in favor of the Contractor's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract Where the charterer fails to pay the hire as agreed upon, the shipowner shall be entitled to cancel the charter party and claim any losses resulting therefrom. 按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为受款人的费用承租人未按照合同约定支付租金的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。
These and other PPD risk factors are set forth in more detail from time to time in our SEC filings, copies of which are available free of charge upon request from PPD's investor relations department. 以及PPD时常在向美国证券交易委员会呈报的文件中详细列出的其他风险因素,您可向PPD投资者关系部门免费索取这些文件的副本。
Effect of the existence of cavities in a TNT charge upon its launching safety TNT装药疵孔对发射安全性的影响
The factors, such as the librarian's views about the periodical's construction, the knowledge of the department's directors, the responsibility of the purchasing agents and of the persons in charge of periodicals have a great effect upon the quality of the collection. 馆长对期刊建设的不同理解,部主任的知识类型,采购人员与期刊管理人员的责任心高低,都对馆藏质量有着重要影响。
The basic law of impacts of refrigerant charge amounts and capillary tube lengths on the refrigeration system are analyzed upon the experiment results. 根据试验结果分析了毛细管长度与制冷剂充注量影响空调性能的基本规律。
Change in surface charge of mitochondrial inner membrane upon energization 能量化时线粒体内膜表面电荷的变化
Different from former missionary cases," the Yangtze River Missionary Case "was meant not only to aim at the foreign churches but also to implement" an armed charge "upon the Qing Dynasty, thus promoting the struggles against the foreign churches to an unprecedented altitude. 与以往教案不同,在长江教案中,哥老会不仅把斗争矛头指向外国教会,而且也准备对清王朝进行武器的批判,从而把反对外国教会的斗争提升到了一个前所未有的新高度。
Effectiveness of effluent charge depends upon its economic stimulation. 排污收费的有效性主要取决于它的经济刺激作用。
Aiming at the difficulties of forming the homogeneous charge and organizing the combustion progress for the compact structure of light-duty vehicle diesel engines, the research in this dissertation is based upon advanced injection combined with high proportion cooling EGR to achieve the low-temperature premixed combustion. 本文针对小缸径轻型车用柴油机燃烧系统结构紧凑、均质混合气制备和燃烧过程组织困难的特点,开展了基于适时早喷结合高比例冷却EGR实现预混合低温燃烧的研究。